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Sevko Beganovic

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With Mr. Invest you can build a portfolio for the future safely and precisely.

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Responsible Management

1. Responsible capital management

"Never use money that you need for essential expenses. Only use surplus capital to ensure financial security and reduce emotional pressure"

Responsible Capital Management

My concept

Sevko Beganovic

Successful trading starts in your head. A strong mindset combined with responsible capital management, patience and a clear risk-reward ratio is crucial. Trust in your setup, learn continuously and strive for freedom and independence - this will significantly increase your chances in trading.

2. Success through patience and discipline

"Success in trading requires patience and discipline. Avoid impulsive trading and wait for the best opportunities."

Success through patience and discipline
gold watch
Emotional Control

3. Emotional control

"Control emotions like fear and greed. Take breaks when these emotions get out of hand and make decisions based on logic, not emotions."

Emotional Control

4. Risk-Opportunity Ratio

"Accept losses as part of trading. A balance between risk and reward is crucial."

risk-reward ratio
Scales of Justice
trust in your own setup

5. Trust in your own trading setup

"Trust your analysis and strategy. Follow your plan and don't let your emotions guide you."

Vertraue ins eigene Trading-Setup

6. Learning from experience

"Learn from your trades, whether winning or losing. Reflect on your decisions and continuously improve your strategies."

Learning from Experience
Learning from Experience
Financial Freedom

7. Trading as a source of freedom and independence

"Trading and investing can provide financial freedom and independence by giving you the opportunity to work from anywhere and independently."

Trading as a source of freedom and independence
Starter Mentoring

4799,-€ incl. VAT

Investment Basics

Trading Basics

market understanding

"Reading between the lines"

"Going Against the Mainstream"

business news

Interactive live sessions

12 months of mentoring
(support and advice)

Exclusive access to community chat

video and PDF learning material



DALLE 2024-08-18 14.43.12 - A close-up view of a metallic copper surface with a warm rich

Mentoring Advanced


Marktberichte & Nachrichten

wichtigsten Entwicklungen der globalen Märkte auf ein Blick

Analyse zu Aktien, Rohstoffen und Kryptowährungen

Handverlesene Investmentideen

Chart- und Fundamentalanalyse

Präzise Auswertungen, die dir einen Vorsprung verschaffen

Marktpsychologie verstehen

Strategien gegen impulsives Handeln und Herdenverhalten

2799,-€ incl. VAT

Jetzt zeitlich begrenztes Angebot

Mentoring Advanced

Mentoring Advanced

Investment Basics

Trading Basics

Interactive live sessions

Exclusive access to video learning material

6 months of mentoring
(support and advice)

Exclusive access to community chat

PDF learning material


4799,-€ incl. VAT

"I was really impressed by Mr. Invest's live investment and trading coaching. The exclusive access to high-quality film material and the 12 months of mentoring offer an ideal combination of in-depth knowledge and personal support. Mr. Invest explains the complex topics surrounding investments and trading in a very clear and understandable way, so that even beginners quickly gain confidence in their decisions. You immediately notice that he knows exactly what he is talking about and what opportunities the market offers. Everyone who comes to him will be impressed by his style. A must for anyone who wants to enter the market successfully and with sound knowledge!"

Für mich ist es mehr als ein Mentoring. Ich möchte fast sagen, sehr freundschaftlich! Mr. Invest geht zu 100% auf meine persönlichen Interessen und vor allem auf mein persönliches Lerntempo ein. Und wenn nötig, ist er eigentlich 24 Stunden für mich erreichbar. Seine Strategie ist beeindruckend und hat mir in Sachen Trading die Augen geöffnet. Das hoffen, ob ein Kurs steigt oder fällt, hat für mich definitiv ein Ende.
Ich kann das 1:1 Mentoring mit bestem Gewissen weiterempfehlen.

Mr. Invest explains the complex topics surrounding investments and trading in a very clear and understandable way, so that even beginners quickly gain confidence in their decisions. You immediately notice that he knows exactly what he is talking about and what opportunities the market offers. Everyone who comes to him is impressed by his style. A must for anyone who wants to enter the market successfully and with sound knowledge!


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